Monday, February 25, 2013

Our Next 7 Months

So....I realize our life is crazy and our plans are sometimes hard to follow.  So I thought I would tell you all  what is going on with our family for the next several months so it may help you keep track of what we are up to. We have a lot going on but we are super excited about all of it.  

First, we will be in Hawaii until mid-April.   We just set up our moving date with the military a few days ago. We were going to try to move all the stuff ourselves in our POD (which has been packed up and stored since Oct 2011)  but after learning that we would lose money on that venture we decided just to let the military hire us movers.  Which, will probably be much easier in the long run!

Jay in our empty POD back in Sept 2011.  

When we leave Hawaii in April we will be on leave for a bit.  We will visit family, house hunt and possibly start the buying process on a house at Fort Campbell. Most excitingly,  James and I are taking a trip to Italy!!!!  Seriously, Italy!!! I have always wanted to go and we now have plane tickets! Awesome!! We will be there for 2 weeks at the end of May. 

After leave and such, James will report to Fort Rucker for IPC (instructor pilot course).  He/we will be there for 3 months TDY (temporary duty). During that time, Jay and I will be back and forth between there and Fort Campbell looking for and moving into our new house depending on what point we are at in the process. 

When IPC is done James will report to our new duty station....which I'm sure you've figured out by now is Fort Campbell, KY.  Fort Campbell is partly in Kentucky and partly in Tennessee.  We are looking for a house on the Tennessee side.  From there, hopefully we will mainly stay put for a while....but....who knows?

Such is the life of a military family! We will keep you posted on our grand adventures as they come. We have enjoyed our time in Hawaii but are ready for our next phase in life.  We appreciate your prayers with all we have going on the  next several months.  

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Happy Valentines Day! Hope you all had a wonderful day with the loves in your life.  I really enjoyed making a special breakfast for my 2 loves.   It was extra special to have my hubby home for Valentines this year.  :)   How blessed we all are to be surrounded by people who loves us!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Come On Ride the Train

Jay is obsessed with trains. He has train books, movies, clothes, engines, and cars.  So, last Sunday, we figured we would indulge his obsession and take a train ride.  We invited along our good friends, the Anderson, who have a little boy who is....of course...also in love with trains. 

We visited the Hawaiian Railway Society in Ewa Beach, HI.  We got our tickets, looked around the yard at a few trains they had on display, and then boarded the 3 o'clock train.  The entire trip was narrated and told the story of the history of the Hawaiian railroad.  The train ride took us west of Ewa to the Leeward side of the island.  It lasted an hour and a half and was fun for all of us! 

It was a slightly rainy day and we did actually get cold for a bit but the rain held off for most of the trip.  Some of our favorite things we saw on the trip were horses, cows, the ocean, and railroad crossing signs (Jay's personal favorite).  If you ever find yourself with nothing to do on Oahu on a Sunday afternoon then I suggest the train ride.  Especially if you have a little boy!