Monday, April 22, 2013

Sharing the News

Our family is growing! We waited a bit to share this news but today we got to see our little munchkin on an ultrasound.  He or she was so cute I can't help but share! Our family of 3 will become 4 sometime around October 22nd! We are blessed and very excited! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter 2013

He is Risen!

It's been a couple of weeks since I did a blog post so I figure it was more than time for me to do another one. Sunday was Easter Sunday.  It was an extra special blessing for two reasons this year.  First, James is home this year which always makes any holiday more special. Second, Jay is old enough that we were able to talk to him and have him (mostly) understand the true meaning of Easter. 

Now, it's understandable that for a 3 year old getting candy SEEMS more exciting than Jesus rising from the dead but we sure did our best to help explain it to him.  When we went to church on Sunday,  Jay kept asking if he was going to "do Easter" at church.  I explained that yes, we were going to hear the true Easter story.  I then proceeded to tell him that Jesus died on the cross for the things we do wrong, because He loved us so much.   Because He is God, He was able to come back to life 3 days later...on Easter.  Because of this it means that we get to be forgiven for ours sins and go to heaven when we die.  He listened patiently and then asked about a million questions.  I really thought I'd gotten through to him.  

When church was over and we picked him up from Sunday school Jay said,  "But we didn't do Easter!"  I asked if he had learned about Jesus rising from the dead. He said, "Oh yeah we did that,  but we didn't do Easter. I didn't get any Easter eggs!"   Oops...guess he doesn't quite get it yet.  We'll keep working on that understanding.   
Easter Sunday Cute Pie!

Here are some pictures of our fun Easter weekend! Hope your family was as blessed as ours.  He is risen! 
Ready for an Easter Egg Hunt! 

We went to an Easter/ Earth Day festival the day before Easter.  Here is one of the rides that Jay thought was pretty awesome!