Tuesday, February 11, 2014

EXPLODING with fun!

Volcano Experiment

Jay has a new obsession with volcanoes.  I'm not sure what exactly started the obsession but he is pretty into them.   He has watched several National Geographic specials on Netflix about volcanoes and is pretty much glued to the TV each time. Then he asks me questions about them that I don't know the answer to....so I end up watching as well. 

 We had to find books on volcanoes at the library on our last trip.  I think its pretty cute that he's into them .  I also find it cute (and odd) that he insists on calling them tortitos.  We have told him over and over that they are called volcanoes.  He KNOWS they are called volcanoes and can say the word with no problem.  But in Jay's world they are tortitos. 

Well, one of the books on tortitos that we got the other day had the infamous volcano experiment recipe in the back.  So this afternoon we decided to have some fun and make a volcano in our kitchen.  

All set up and ready to begin!

The wonderful "tortito" book!

Our supplies!

This was the joy on his face when it started "exploding"!

Doesn't take too much to make a pretty happy little boy!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

We're Back!

Hello All! It's been a while.  Since I last posted, we've had Thanksgiving, Christmas, and are a month into the new year.  I think things have settled out enough now that I should be able to blog again.  I'm not promising the posts will be frequent because my family still comes first. However, in those rare moments when there is not a child needing attention, the house is clean, I've worked out, and dinner is not needing to be cooked, I'll try to sneak in a post!

Gunnar will be 4 months old next week! Time is just flying by. He has become a real joy.  He is very smiley and overall a pretty happy baby!  We had a few hiccups with nursing but once we discovered he had acid reflux and took steps to help with that its become a wonderful experience for both of us.  Jay and Gunnar are starting to interact more and it is such a joy to watch.  I love that they get to grow up together!

Jay is getting tall. He had his 4 year well check up last week and is "healthy as horse".  He has started attempting to tell jokes....its humorous but not in the way he thinks :).   He has also once again begun going to the playroom and playing by himself (after Gunnar was born he didn't do that for a few months).  I think he's adjusted to not being the only child in the house anymore.

James is keeping busy.  He is still working on fixing things up around the house and finishing the changes we've wanted to make.  I'm proud of how hard he works and how nice everything is looking.  He made Jay's bed and our dining room table.  I will post pictures of those on another blog post soon.  He is also busy at work, although not flying too much due to the drastic weather we've been having.

I'm getting back into shape. I just completed a bootcamp at the Crossfit gym James goes too.  I made GREAT progress the last 4 weeks and feel wonderful! I'm going to join the gym and keep up the work.  Besides that I've just been busy with church, MOPS, and taking care of the kids and the house.  I am really enjoying life.

Well, I'll post again soon with those pictures of James' amazing building skills. For now, here are a few pictures from the last few months!

Yes, projectile spit up has happened MANY times!

Auntie Tiff Photo Bomb!

Sweet baby!

Auntie Beth!!

There's been some of this.... in our house too :)

But most importantly, in our house, there has been a whole lotta LOVE!